Welcome to our family, welcome to our blog. We are going to try and keep this current for those of you reading from afar (hey mom claire!) But we make no promises. And really, people don't want constant blog updates until there are kids. So in about 5 years this blog will really start going.
Please enjoy our sporadic posts on life as a married couple
Monday, May 11, 2009
Why yes, Easter did happen. And yes, we did take pictures! haha Here are a few from the DeGhetto's house. Enjoy.
Ps. For those of you still wondering, I obviously found my camera cord. However facebook is stupid and the upload keeps failing. Maybe I need to post pics else where...
I love the Lord, my (fire)man, coffee & wine! We have two precious cats and one adorable pup. I bake, sew, crochet, & love being creative in any way.
You can find me at www.firewifey.com and www.crocheteveryday.blogspot.com
Things we like: Jesus. Our Home. Food. Walks. Wii Parties. Designing & Fixing up our House. Families. Hands of Mercy / Building Lofthouses. Solitude (Matt), Crafting & Reading & Being a Hostess (Megan)
Places we like to go: Ducks games. Baseball games (A's or Angels). Disneyland (Megan). Coast Airbrush (Matt). Prospect Park. Mexico. Home Depot. JoAnn.
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I'd bet you can photoshop those and see who's in the back rows... :) Looks like it was a nice day!
Looks like I'm not the only blog slacker around here! :)
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